January 19, 2011

Reiki’s golden healing light

One of my earlier Reiki clients was a man who’d been a heavy smoker for many years. He was then in his mid sixties and suffered from emphysema. He’d undergone several lung operations and was still recovering from an operation when he came to see me. He’d tried many times to give up his nicotine addiction, but had been unsuccessful. He also suffered from insomnia. His breathing was very laboured and he wheezed badly. 

I began the session with my usual prayer and centred and grounded myself. I drew the Reiki symbols and requested protection from negativity and asked for assistance and guidance from God, Reiki guides and other spiritual helpers.

I immediately felt the wonderful healing power surge through my hands as they heated up when I began the treatment. I channelled Universal healing energy, blissfully aware of being in tune with the Universe, of being vibrantly connected to the Source. It’s the most magical feeling which I cannot justly describe. This is what I enjoy doing most of all – being connected to the higher spiritual realms.

As we progressed his breathing eased and I felt his tense muscles finally relax.

I was working over the chest area when I psychically saw two black shapes, resembling black beetles and wondered why the guides were showing them to me. I was extremely puzzled as the vision remained. Suddenly I heard a guide’s voice saying ‘Fill the lungs with gold!’ I immediately channelled gold light and saw the shapes change from black to gold. Only then, did I realise that I had been seeing my client’s scarred, nicotine-filled lungs. ‘Flush the body with gold light’ said the voice again. I channelled gold light again, flushing the entire body with its brilliance.

As my client sipped Reikied water after the session, he said it was the most incredible experience he’d ever had. He was in awe of the heat that was emitted from my hands and most of all by the fact that he hadn't felt the need to use his asthma pump during the treatment, in fact his wheezing was barely audible.

When he phoned me the next day, he babbled excitedly: ‘It was most extraordinary, the heat from your hands stayed with me for about four hours – it even misted up the car windows as I dove home.’ He said his cat had suffered a bad facial injury on one side of her face and was bind in one eye. ‘When I arrived home she followed me around until I sat down. She then climbed up on my chest and snuggled up inside my shirt with her injured face buried in my chest. She remained there for about an hour, just absorbing the energy.’ This was an usual action for this cat as since the accident she had not allowed anyone to touch her face.

That night his stomach and lungs eliminated and expectorated their dark toxic waste. He couldn’t believe how much better he felt after just one treatment. He was in the process of relocating to another province, so he only managed a few more treatments. During that time his sleep improved and he managed to cut down dramatically on his smoking.

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