Reiki 1, 2, and Master Degrees
The workshops for Reiki 1 and 2, take place over two day, (usually over a weekend but week day classes can be arranged) starting at 9.00 am and finishing around 4.00pm. You will receive comprehensive workshop notes with each degree and a beautiful certificate.
You will learn:
level 1 – The History of Reiki, to heal yourself, your family and your animals
level 2 – the sacred Reiki symbols, various methods of distant healing (self healing, addressing past and present health problems, healing the cause, and setting intentions for the future) and much more.
Master students meet once a month (at 9.00 am – 12.00pm) for meditations, discussions, demonstrations and to hand in homework assignments, they also receive their study assignments for the following month.
Reiki Master Degree. When Reiki becomes a way of life, it's time to progress to this level. This degree is for students who wish to travel further along their spiritual path or to become Reiki teachers. This traditional course is extensive, covering many subjects and spans a duration of between 10 to 12 months to Reiki Master Attunement.
Please email me for full information and prices
Animal’s: Our soul companions workshops
This unique workshop for animal lovers, comprises two, one day modules and included in the price is a comprehensive workshop manual. Students who’ve completed both modules will receive a beautiful certificate.
Module 1
- Basic telepathic communication skills
- To connect to your animal companions on a soul level
- Animal Empath skills, to “feel” in your own body what the animal is feeling (to pick up info in thoughts)
- 'Hear' their replies.
- Participate in various exercises with the animals.
- Connect with your animal totem.
- Home practice exercises
- Animal’s chakras and auras
- Various healing modalities, including colour and crystal therapy
- Learn how to “scan” the body and pick up blockages in the energy field
- Learn to tune in and communicate with animals on many levels
- Saying goodbye and letting go
- Learn dowsing with pendulum and rods and increase your psychic awareness
- Making contact with the spirit world
- And much, much more.
- Walk the Labyrinth of Animal remembrance and honour the memory of a beloved companion
Space clearing workshop
Attend this one day, life changing workshop and learn how to invite light, love, healing, laughter, prosperity and abundance into your life. You will receive a comprehensive workshop manual and a beautiful certificate.
You will learn:
Aura smudging
That your home is more than just a shelter
Various cleansing methods
What to do if you're having difficulty selling your home or finding suitable tenants
How to recognise negative energy
How stale negative energy can effect the health of the occupants of your home
About geopathic and electromagnetic stress
How to rid your space of unwanted, lower vibrational energies
Experience healing within the Native American Medicine Wheel:
And lots more
Contact me for further information and price.reikilight[at]wol[dot]co[dot]za